Covery is over... or is it?

So back in the summer of 2022, I entered my first game jam, and the theme was "healing"

I then went on to create the game known as "Covery" and as it was my first official game, I was really proud of it! I spent a lot of time working on something fun, and learning a lot along the way.  

But now that I think about it, there was a lot that could be changed.  Colliders, graphics, gameplay, and mostly just basic quality of life things.

But today, I'm excited to announce that Covery will be recieving a HUGE overhaul!  A new engine, potential new graphics style (not sure yet, might consider 8x8 or 16x16), and just much much more updates! While this is a relatively fresh idea and I have NOT started yet, I do plan on trying to make it a reality after I'm done with some other side projects.  

I've recently aquainted myself with "GDevelop" 

While I was unsure of it at first, I've actually come to enjoy using it!  And while I may be using this engine more, there will still be some usage of Construct for other games/ ideas in the future.

Stay tuned for more updates regarding Covery and other new games! :)

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