Welcome to Covery!  

This game is all about the topic of being healed... or healing someone else?  

You spawn in on a lovely world full of greenery, but in the center you see a lonely Totem.  Slowly, yet surely, it is decaying away and losing its health fast!  And it's up to you, the Player, to continuously heal the totem before the time goes out and earn point as you go.  Collect Items such as the Ulti Potion which gives quite a boost in the healing process, and save the Totem before it's too late!

(Note: Please Right Click on the mouse to start moving.  That might be a bug that needs sorted out but it also just might be a thing with Construct 2.)

Use WASD or Arrow Keys to Move

Left Click/ C to fire health potions

F to fire Ulti potions

Right click to break blocks/ open chests

Left click to start game

This is my very first game, and I'm very proud to be sharing it with the Itch.io comunity! Enjoy the game! :)

Development log


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First of all, this is great for a first game.

I do have some feedback however. Currently you can keep fire potions even when you don't have any, which kind of make the game lose its purpose. You can do...

if (PotionsNum > 0): 


PotionNum -= 1

...to fix it. Second thing is a really small detail but its kind of weird how the player cant go behind trees. For this you can make the tree collider much lower.

Overall its a fun concept and the totem and scoreboard look super cool, you should be proud!